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Phase 1 Surveys
These are cost effective solutions to identifying the potential ecological contraints for a project for submission with planning applications.
Phase 1 surveys are carried out by our skilled and pragmatic ecologists to determine the likely effect of proposed development. Our ecologists are members of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environment Management (CIEEM) and adhere to the institutes practice standards.
There are two primary options for phase 1 surveys depending on the size and nature of the development and the variety of habitats on site: Extended Phase 1 Habitat surveys and Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA).
Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys (Biodiversity Surveys)
​An intial ecological survey where existing habitats are classified and mapped according to the JNCC Phase 1 guidelines. An assessment of the site's suitability to support protected species is also undertaken.
Phase 1 report produced giving recommendations for any further surveys that may be needed and any mitigation that needs to be undertaken. An electronic Phase 1 Habitat map will also be produced showing the different habitat types on the site
The Phase 1 survey also includes a desk study. This involves a search for protected species records and nature conservation sites close to the proposed development site.
Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA)
​An intial ecological survey where existing habitats are described and assesed for their suitability to support protected species.
PEA report produced giving recommendations for any further surveys that may be needed and any mitigation that needs to be undertaken.
The PEA survey includes a desk study. This involves a search for protected species records and nature conservation sites close to the proposed development site.