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Practical Ecology Ltd are pleased to offer the following services:
Phase 1 Habitat Surveys (Biodiversity Surveys)
​An intial ecological survey where existing habitats are classified and mapped according to the JNCC Phase 1 guidelines. An assessment of the site's suitability to support protected species is also undertaken.
Phase 1 report produced giving recommendations for any further surveys that may be needed and any mitigation that needs to be undertaken. An electronic Phase 1 Habitat map will also be produced showing the different habitat types on the site
The Phase 1 survey also includes a desk study. This involves a search for protected species records and nature conservation sites close to the proposed development site.
Protected species surveys
​Presence/absence surveys for great crested newts
Reptile surveys
Building Inspections for bats (can be part of a Phase 1 survey)
Aerial assessments of trees for bats
Bat Activity Surveys and Transect Surveys
Badger surveys
Nesting and Wintering bird surveys
Otter and Water Vole surveys
Dormouse surveys
Invertebrate surveys
Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA)
Ecological reports to support planning applications
Design and implementation of protected species mitigation
​Including European Protected Species Mitigation (EPSM) licences
Habitat management and habitat translocation
Habitat Regulations Assessments (HRA Screening and Appropraite Assessments)
Environmental Statements (ES)
Ecological Management Plans (EcMP)
Biodiversity conservation and enhancement
Invasive species surveys and control
​Japanese knotweed, Giant Hogweed, Himalayan Balsam
Ecological clerk of works
Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA)
Arboricultural surveys through our partner company Hayden's Arboricultural Consultants